Youth Advocate Internship Program Application 2024

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Academic Year 2024 to 2025

FYSA Youth Advocate Internship Program Application

Deadline to apply: September 20, 2024


The Fostering Youth Success Alliance (FYSA) is a statewide advocacy group that promotes responsive policies and programs that offer young people with a foster care background every opportunity to set higher expectations and achieve their goals. We are dedicated to data-driven systems reform, raising public awareness, and securing stabilizing supports that empower youth across New York to overcome barriers and excel in life.

FYSA is governed by a steering committee composed of advocates and service providers from New York State. The committee oversees the strategic implementation of FYSA initiatives and helps to develop FYSA’s overall advocacy agenda. The committee also supports advocacy on various city, state, and federal legislation that aligns with FYSA’s policy goals. We seek to cultivate relationships with government officials at all levels to ensure we are successful in our advocacy work. FYSA is unique in that we encourage young people with system involvement to become leaders in our advocacy efforts.

Youth Advocates will play a key role in steering committee discussions and decisions and participate in FYSA’s statewide advocacy work. They will have the opportunity and responsibility of raising awareness of issues that youth in care face in the foster care system, as well as educating the community on the initiatives that can support them. This is a great opportunity for young people who have a passion for advocacy work, state politics, and educational outreach on essential programs and policies. We ask for a firm nine-month commitment from all Youth Advocates. A quarterly stipend will be provided.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Serve as a FYSA Steering Committee member.
    • Participation and attendance of 80% of meetings during the year either in-person or virtually. 
  • Support the ongoing maintenance of our Foster Youth College Success Initiative (FYCSI) Guidebook and website.
  • Support the update of FYSA’s website.
  • Participate in and help guide FYSA’s social media advocacy strategy.
  • Lead groups and help plan FYSA’s annual Advocacy Day.
  • Serve as a “youth voice” during FYSA engagements such as:
    • Youth forums
    • Rallies
    • Webinars on policy issues identified by youth with a foster care background
  • Give recommendations and engage in strategy and planning on the 3-point policy issue areas – housing, K-12 education, mental health, and higher education. FYSA is currently undergoing a strategic planning process which may alter our policy plan. We intend to engage our youth advocates in this process.
  • Participate in weekly Youth Advocate team check-ins via Zoom with mandatory camera on.
  • Participate in weekly one-one-one check-ins via Zoom with mandatory camera on
  • Attend in-person and/or hybrid trainings and advocacy events.
    • Please note advance notice will be provided for all in-person events. When travel or lodging is required these costs will be paid for by FYSA.
  • Participate in quarterly performance reviews.
  • Youth have the option to participate in other major events and can opt to have a hand in other social media spaces.


  • Must be currently or formerly in foster care.
  • Must be able to commit for nine months (September 30, 2024 to June 30, 2025).
    • 5- to 10-hour commitment per week. 
  • Must be currently in college/or working.
  • Must be 18 years or older.
  • Must pass background check.