Shadow Day 2025

New York State Foster Youth Shadow Day

On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, the Fostering Youth Success Alliance (FYSA) is excited to collaborate with New York State leaders to host the fifth annual New York State Foster Youth Shadow Day!

Shadow Day was designed as an opportunity for youth with a foster care background to spend time shadowing a member of the New York State Legislature and their staff to better understand how the state is governed. As NY residents, elected officials are here to represent your shared interests as it is their responsibility to improve the functioning of the state for their constituents. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to share your personal experiences and potentially impact policy and regulations within the foster care system.

This year's programming will include a full day of in-person activities including Shadow Sessions, lunch, and a roundtable discussion. Youth with a foster care background who attend Shadow Day will receive a gift card for their engagement after the completion of the event. The FYSA team will coordinate with participants to address their travel needs.

Please complete and submit the application in its entirety by Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Applications received after the deadline will be considered as space permits.

Please feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns.


NYS Foster Youth Shadow Day Agenda

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

This day will include:

  • Shadowing Session
  • Roundtable Discussion
  • A light breakfast and lunch will be provided
Some examples include housing, social services, transportation, etc.